Author Archives: matt

Hall of shame: the interchanges that aren’t

For various reasons there are some stations in Shanghai that look like interchanges but actually aren’t: if you want to change trains you must leave the station, take a long walk, then buy a new ticket.

In the latest version of the metro map these are marked with a black line between the two stations. The hall of shame consists of:

1. Shanghai Railway Station

Shanghai Railway Station
Transferring between Line 1 and Line 3/4 involves a long walk down a shop-lined passage.

2. Yishan Road

Yishan Lu You can’t interchange between line 3 and line 4 here, even though it looks like that on many official maps. You need to go at least one stop north, to Hongqiao Road.

3. New! Pudian Road

Pudian Lu The two stations at Pudian Road will eventually be joined by a tunnel and commercial center. For now, they are separate.

4. New! Hongkou Stadium

Hongkou Stadium
The latest news is that the Line 3/8 interchange will also not be ready this year

Metro map 2008 version

An update to the metro map is now online! At the end of the year, three new lines, as well as extensions to existing lines will open:

  • Line 6 will run through Pudong, connecting with Line 2 and Line 4
  • Line 8 will run north-south through the city with an interchange at People’s Square
  • Line 9 will run westwards out to Songjiang. Amusingly, it won’t connect with the other lines yet.
  • Line 4 will finally become a circular route with the opening of three new stations
  • Line 1 gets a big longer at the northern end, terminating at Fujin Lu

New metro lines

You can view all the new lines here, note that this is a beta version, notably

  • There is no first train/last train data for the new lines yet
  • The route planner doesn’t have information for the new lines yet
  • There are no pronunciations of the new stations yet (coming next week)
  • Some of the English station names may be subject to change (e.g. Dashijie vs Great World)

If you spot any errors in the new map please contact me or post a response below.

City map to be retired

I’m sorry to report that the ExploreShanghai city map will be taken offline at the end of the year.

Unfortunately due to work commitments I haven’t had time to really finish it or implement new features, and that looks unlikely to change for the foreseeable future. Shanghai still desperately needs a good English-language online street map, and if you want to develop one I wish you good luck!

The good news is I will continue to update the metro map with new lines, stations and features: see the next post for more details!

keep exploring


Sound files for every station

The ExploreShanghai metro map now has audio for every station on the network. So if you’re wondering how to say “Shanghai Circus World” in Chinese, just click on the relevant station and then click the “play” button that appears in the top right.

My thanks to Wang Jing for doing the recordings, if you’re looking for a Mandarin teacher she comes highly recommended!

keep exploring,

The stars, the stars

a few small improvements on the metro map

  • some small corrections for station names (the official Shanghai Metro site gets it wrong!)
  • more UI translations into Chinese
  • dragging between two stations now highlights the route
  • night mode is a bit more realistic 🙂

I hope to get audio files for all 90-odd stations up shortly!

keep exploring,

Route planning on the metro map

You can now drag between any two stations on the metro map to see the quickest route and price. For example, you can see that Hong Kou Stadium to Xujiahui takes about 42 minutes and costs 5 rmb. I’ll add an update soon to auto-scroll the map as you’re dragging, so that you can connect distant stations. Please let me know of any bugs you find!
Two bonuses: the file size has been reduced to under 100kb now, and there’s a basic zoom function (press the + and – keys on your keyboard).
keep exploring,

Metro map – audio

New feature on the ExploreShanghai metro map, press the play button in the station “bubble” to hear a pronunciation of the station name. Currently available for some Line 1 stations only,

Also corrected the name of a station (thanks Greg) and improved the dropdown list of stations.
We got blogged earlier today!

keep exploring