CNReviews have kindly written a very positive review of our sites in their latest post.
Every so often you run into something so completely wonderful, it forces you to ask yourself, “how the hell did I never hear of this before?”
ExploreMetro should be a nice reference for China’s many expats and foreign visitors who opt not to waste time or money hopping into taxis to get wherever they want to go when the subway is equally accessible and often times much faster.
Thanks guys, we love you too. Read the full review here.
ExploreMetro makes Asia’s best metro maps. Find out about our apps for iPhone and apps for Android!
Matt – fantastic job. I’ve blogged about this too specially after having been to a blogger’s briefing meeting with Transport for London a couple of days ago. I’d love to see something like this for London’s Tube
I found you through Annie’s positive review on her blog, so check it out.
If you investigate the London Tube map, you’ll discover many design problems due to politics. Find out more on my page on the subject:
You should also check out a new iPhone application that I recently downloaded.
It uses the location info to show a list of nearby stations. When a station is clicked, you get a list of the next trains to arrive and depart from that station. This is linked to official live data, so you can see if any of the trains is a few minutes late. If you click one of the trains, you get an instant line diagram showing the stations visited by that specific train and showing when they left and when they are expected to arrive at each station.
It’s currently free, so download it from the UK iTunes store from